SRM 1.2.3-8017

Awatar użytkownika
Darth Vader
Posty: 2792
Rejestracja: pt gru 11, 2015 8:55 am
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: mikhnal »

Synology pisze: Version: 1.2.3-8017

Important Note
The update will be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the release time in each region may vary slightly.

What's New
Added support for Let's Encrypt.
Added support for the Let's Encrypt wildcard certificates for the Synology DDNS domains.
Added support for DNS over HTTPS (DoH)
Added support for customizing the uplink network of Wi-Fi points.
Added support for WAN automatic detection.
Enhanced the display of hostnames.
Added support for Google Analytics.
Added support for the V6Plus connection in Japan.
Added support for V6Plus and DS-Lite on the secondary WAN interface.
Enhanced the processing time when changing an uplink network from wireless to Ethernet in the Wi-Fi system.
Added an option for changing the IEEE1905.1 packet type in the Wi-Fi system.
Added support for the synchronization of device names in Device List and Traffic Control.
Added support for displaying devices' brand names when without their hostnames in Traffic Control.
Enhanced device icon detection.
Enhanced the performance of Traffic Monitor.
Added an option for Time to Live (TTL) settings.
Added an option for U-APSD.
Added for users in Mainland China.
Added support for 5G Band 4 in Singapore.
Added a notification popping up when 5GH-1 is not available in DFS channels.
Upgraded OpenSSH to version 7.8.
Upgraded OpenSSL to version 1.0.2r.

Fixed Issues
Fixed an issue where SRM doesn’t show reminder messages of restarting Wi-Fi when the MAC filter is applied.
Fixed an issue where Guest Portal might not direct to correct websites.
Fixed an issue where Wi-Fi 5G might not work properly on Synology Router.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not be able to work properly when the network is connected via certain LTE dongles.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not save settings immediately when the names of Wi-Fi points are changed.
Fixed an issue where Log Center might not show results related to keywords.
Fixed an issue where Wi-Fi button might not work properly with the Wi-Fi schedules.
Fixed an issue where QoS might not work properly in the Wi-Fi system.
Fixed an issue where PPPoE might fail to reconnect when the WAN gateway is changed.
Fixed an issue where Guest Portal might fail to save contents with wrap texts.
Fixed an issue where the Wi-Fi system might not properly respond to requests from Windows Network Discovery.
Fixed an issue where network streaming might get disconnected as a result of changing status on other networks.
Fixed an issue where L2TP connection might not work properly when the Load Balance option is enabled.
Fixed an issue where the Wi-Fi 5G connection to DFS channels might fail on RT1900ac when the option of auto-switching to DFS channel is enabled.
Fixed an issue where IGMP snooping might not work properly on the WAN interface of RT1900ac under AP mode.
Fixed an issue where SRM might fail to access the Internet through certain ISP settings in the Wi-Fi system.
Fixed an issue where L2TP clients might get disconnected after the connection is idle for over 30 minutes.
Fixed an issue where Network Center and Safe Access might not able to launch the user interface.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not block connections according to firewall rules.
Fixed an issue where hardware acceleration might not work properly on RT2600ac when traffic control is activated via DS router.
Fixed an issue where SRM doesn't hide the 802.11r option when the wireless security mode is none or WEP.
Fixed an issue where Guest Network might fail to work under AP mode on RT1900ac.
Fixed an issue where SRM might display additional account names.
Fixed an issue where logins to SRM's user interface might fail.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not apply settings properly during the first-time installation.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not synchronize with NTP servers after Synology Router reboots.
Fixed an issue where the firewall might not display hit counts properly.
Fixed an issue where IPTV might fail to work with certain ISPs.
Fixed an issue where the WAN interface might not acquire an IP address when SRM changes from AP mode to Router mode.
Fixed an issue where the Wi-Fi system might not function stably with managed switches.
Fixed an issue where logins to SRM might fail when Dual WAN is enabled.
Fixed an issue where Traffic Report might display duplicate dates because of daylight saving time.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not work properly with certain USB devices.
Fixed an issue where SRM might not restore settings properly from version 1.2.

Security Updates
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding NTP (CVE-2018-12327).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding OpenSSH (CVE-2018-15473).
Fixed a security vulnerability regarding wpa_supplicant (CVE-2018-14526).
Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities regarding Linux kernel (Synology-SA-19:28).

Known Issues & Limitations
Removed the first-time installation via browsers on mobile devices.
Synology packages might not work properly under AP mode when the uplink doesn't connect to the WAN port.

RT1900: ... umber=8017

RT2600: ... umber=8017

MR2200: ... umber=8017

TL;DR: co nowego w SRM 1.2.3?

  • Integracja z Let’s Encrypt ze wsparciem wildcard
  • DNS over HTTPS
  • Automatyczne wykrywanie typu połączenia internetowego
  • Możliwość dostosowania własnej topologii siatki
  • Szybkie przełączanie między połączeniami bezprzewodowymi i ethernetowymi
  • Rozszerzone możliwości roamingu po zarządzaniu przełącznikami

Ostatnio nastąpił gwałtowny wzrost liczby przejęć DNS. Rządy USA i Wielkiej Brytanii wydały alerty i aktualizacje polityki w ciągu ostatnich dwóch tygodni, ostrzegając, że starzejące się protokoły DNS nie nadążają za nowoczesnymi zagrożeniami. Oprócz działań rządu, DNS przez HTTPS jest również skutecznym sposobem dla zwykłych użytkowników, aby chronić się przed takimi atakami. Synology Router jest jednym z pierwszych (jeśli nie „pierwszy”) routerów Wi-Fi obsługujących tę technologię. Przydatne linki i informacje o SRM: ... foundation ... ss_control ... management
DSM 7.2.2-72806
32GB RAM 2x KSM24SED8/16ME DDR4 2400 CL17 ECC mod
6x 10TB WD Red WD100EFAX RAID5 btrfs
2x SNV3500-400G read/write SSD cache @ E10M20-T1 + 10GbE LAN
2x Noctua NF-A9 fan mod
RT6600ax + WRX560
SRM 1.3.1-9346 Update 10
Trochę Wie
Posty: 71
Rejestracja: śr gru 16, 2015 9:37 pm
Lokalizacja: Philippines

Re: SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: pepeEL »

Pobrałem pliki PAT dla RT2600 MR2200 bo przez update automatyczny nie znajduje jeszcze aktualizacji. Wskazałem w SRM pliki PAT, niby przesłał ale dalej nic... nawet nie restartuje się router. Z tymi aktualizacjami w Synology to jakaś tragedia. Już kiedyś miałem to samo. Dopiero restart routera do ustawień fabrycznych pozwolił zaktualizować ręcznie soft. I teraz znów to samo... masakra.
Awatar użytkownika
Darth Vader
Posty: 2792
Rejestracja: pt gru 11, 2015 8:55 am
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Re: SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: mikhnal »

Nic takiego nie miałem, wysłał, restart i działa na starych ustawieniach.
DSM 7.2.2-72806
32GB RAM 2x KSM24SED8/16ME DDR4 2400 CL17 ECC mod
6x 10TB WD Red WD100EFAX RAID5 btrfs
2x SNV3500-400G read/write SSD cache @ E10M20-T1 + 10GbE LAN
2x Noctua NF-A9 fan mod
RT6600ax + WRX560
SRM 1.3.1-9346 Update 10
Trochę Wie
Posty: 71
Rejestracja: śr gru 16, 2015 9:37 pm
Lokalizacja: Philippines

Re: SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: pepeEL »

To u mnie ciągle takie problemy. Procenty wysłania były ale nic poza
Awatar użytkownika
Darth Vader
Posty: 2792
Rejestracja: pt gru 11, 2015 8:55 am
Lokalizacja: Warszawa

Re: SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: mikhnal »

Ja RT2600ac z MR2200ac mam spięte kablem - może dlatego.
DSM 7.2.2-72806
32GB RAM 2x KSM24SED8/16ME DDR4 2400 CL17 ECC mod
6x 10TB WD Red WD100EFAX RAID5 btrfs
2x SNV3500-400G read/write SSD cache @ E10M20-T1 + 10GbE LAN
2x Noctua NF-A9 fan mod
RT6600ax + WRX560
SRM 1.3.1-9346 Update 10
Trochę Wie
Posty: 71
Rejestracja: śr gru 16, 2015 9:37 pm
Lokalizacja: Philippines

Re: SRM 1.2.3-8017

Post autor: pepeEL »

Też mam kablem spięte. Teraz poszło mi z innego kompa za pomocą wifi. Na kablu nie chciało.

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